In Detroit, at the US Social Forum, I had the great fortune to see Leaps and Bounds presented by The Affording Hope Project. This exuberant one-woman show is touring the country, speaking, singing, and dancing the story of just about everything from creation to a future resurrection - looking at the intersection of faith, ecology, and the global economy.
Luckily you can still see it at the Ecumenical Center of Berkeley (1798 Scenic Ave) on Wed, Jan 26th, 8:30-9:45pm. Or contact them to find a performance in another state/area/month/etc.
Because she makes connections that need to be made. We can't leave all the talking about wasted rivers and extinct species to the scientists - faith has to say something too. We can't leave all the talk about economics to the brains - our hearts need to say something there too.
Because art is transformative and powerful in a way that nothing else can be. I saw her show after a long (Presbyterian Hunger Program) roadtrip of learning, seeing, learning, digesting, learning learning learning about agriculture and various elements of food crisis, and I needed something that could touch both my exhaustion (there is so much work to be done!) and my energy (just let me get my hands on that work!). Tevyn's show gave me not only a dream to dream, but a song to sing while I work.
Because we need fresh eyes, ideas, and strength to tackle the ever-rising pile of panic-worthy situations in which we find ourselves (and find our less fortunate brothers and sisters).
Because, really, who DOESN'T want to hear all the latest from the show's co-writer Ched Myers?
ENJOY THE SHOW! see ya there ;-)
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