In the next 2.5 weeks I have a lot of things to conquer, from papers to party-planning to watching my friends graduate, but let's take a study break and look at the bright, bright upcoming summer plans!!
1) Heaven On Earth Agrarian RoadTrip (aka HEART) to the US Social Forum with the Presbyterian Hunger Program!
(PS join us, the application deadline isn't until Friday)
We'll be bopping around in a couple of (biodiesel?) vans from farm to church to community-organizing-food-justice-project, all woven together around the theme of sustainability in our agriculture and in our eating. Louisville, North Carolina, Virginia & West, Ohio (Oberlin!!), Detroit Michigan.
2) I will of course be at the 219th General Assembly in Minneapolis, as a gopher/lackey/ i think they call us "assistants." I know part of the job includes tech support for people who are less tech-savvy than the under-30 generation, and part of it is just hauling piles of paper around from room to room, but I'm just excited to BE THERE.
3) Lots of quality time on Amtrak, (California Zephyr!!) plus a couple of overnight greyhound buses just to pinch the pennies, yknow.
4) In the midst of this, I will learn German, AND I will read one book per week on the topic of New Monasticism and Christian Community. This is a reading group at school. We're focusing on the 12 Marks of the New Monasticism, reading one book per mark, 12 weeks in the summer. The details are still being worked out, BUT there may be opportunities for distance participation in said group, AND i might blog too =)
5) Much of this is predicated at least a little on the eventual recovery of my ridiculous torn ligament in my ankle. I'm still on crutches and I really shouldn't mention in polite company what I think about that. Let's just say, healing is on the summer agenda.
6) Garden. my little plots are woeful compared to last year in Lostine!!!
Good luck with everything!